Friday, January 29, 2010

Ready for Love?

  When love finds you, will you be ready???

Will you be ready for the honesty, the truthfulness that you so long for?
Will you accept all the good and happiness it has in store for you?
Will you be able to accept that it's real, and it's all for you?
Will you nurture it, and show that you appreciate it's existence?
Will you love Love, and realize you've been training all your life for this task?
Will you show love that you are willing and able to love it back as hard as it's loving you?
Will love be able to tell that what it's doing for you is being appreciated, and will love want to love you more?
Do we love Love, or the person that is giving the love?
If you've found love, can everyone else tell, because if not, and no one recognizes it as LOVE, is it really love you're sharing with that person?
What will you do if you do find Love, shout it to the rooftops, keep it to yourself?
Love, I'm here, I'm waiting, I'm willing and worthy of all you have in store for me?
Will the one I long to love, Love me?
Speak now or forever hold your peace!

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